Effective Protocols for Managing Bedbugs, Lice, and Other Pests in Homeless Shelters


By NYUnderground Initiative Inc.


Managing pests like bedbugs and lice in homeless shelters is crucial. These pests can cause health problems and discomfort for residents. Effective protocols can help control and prevent infestations.

Identifying Pests

First, it’s important to identify the pests. Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown insects that hide in cracks and crevices. Lice are tiny, wingless insects that live on the human scalp. Both can spread quickly in crowded conditions.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is key. Regular inspections help detect infestations early. Train staff to recognize signs of pests. Encourage residents to report bites or sightings immediately.

Use protective covers for mattresses and pillows. These covers can help prevent bedbugs from hiding and breeding. Regularly wash bedding and clothing in hot water to kill any pests.

Cleaning and Sanitation

Maintaining a clean environment is essential. Vacuum floors, mattresses, and furniture regularly. Dispose of vacuum bags in sealed plastic bags to prevent pests from escaping.

cleaning protocol

Use cleaning products that are effective against pests.

Sometimes, professional pest control services are necessary. Hire licensed exterminators to treat the shelter. They can use safe and effective methods to eliminate infestations.

Coordinate with pest control professionals to create a treatment plan. Follow their recommendations for ongoing maintenance and prevention.

Resident Education

Educate residents about pest prevention. Provide information on how to identify and report pests. Teach them how to keep their personal spaces clean and free of pests.

Hold regular workshops or informational sessions. Distribute pamphlets or posters with tips and guidelines.

Support and Resources

Offer support to residents affected by pests. Provide access to medical care if needed. Ensure they have clean clothing and bedding.

Connect residents with resources for additional assistance. This may include social services or community organizations that can help.


Effective protocols for managing pests in homeless shelters are essential. By identifying pests, taking preventive measures, maintaining cleanliness, and educating residents, shelters can create a safer and more comfortable environment.

Remember, early detection and consistent efforts are key to keeping pests under control. Working together, staff and residents can ensure a healthy living space for all.