How to Use Narcan to Reverse Opioid Overdose: A Step-by-Step Guide

By NYUnderground Initiative Inc.


Opioid overdoses claim many lives each year. Narcan, also known as naloxone, can reverse an overdose if used quickly. Knowing how to use Narcan can save lives. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you.

Recognize the Signs of an Overdose

Before using Narcan, you must identify an opioid overdose. Common signs include:

  • Slow or no breathing
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Blue or gray lips and nails

If you see these signs, act fast. Call emergency services immediately.

emergency response

Prepare the Narcan

Narcan comes in different forms, such as nasal spray and injectable. Follow the instructions on the package.

Nasal Spray

Remove the Narcan nasal spray from its packaging. Hold it with your thumb on the bottom of the plunger and your first and middle fingers on either side of the nozzle.


For injectable Narcan, remove the cap from the vial and the needle. Draw the liquid into the syringe by pulling back on the plunger.

a package of masala spot sitting on top of a white table

Administer Narcan

Press the red button to release the dose.


Inject the Narcan into the muscle of the thigh, upper arm, or buttocks. Push the plunger all the way down to deliver the dose.

After administering Narcan, stay with the person and monitor their condition. They should start to breathe normally within a few minutes.

Repeat if Necessary

If the person does not respond within 2-3 minutes, administer another dose of Narcan. Use a new nasal spray or syringe for each dose.

Continue to monitor the person until emergency services arrive. Narcan may wear off before the opioids leave the system, so they may need additional doses.


Once the person is stable, they should seek medical attention. Narcan is a temporary solution, and professional care is crucial.

Educate others on how to use Narcan. The more people know, the more lives can be saved.

Remember, using Narcan can make a difference. Stay informed and prepared.