NYC's 'One Shot Deal': Emergency Help for Bills and Rent


By NYUnderground Initiative Inc.

Understanding NYC's 'One Shot Deal'

New York City offers a program called 'One Shot Deal' to help residents facing emergency financial situations. This program can provide one-time assistance for rent, utility bills, and other essential expenses.

The 'One Shot Deal' is designed for those who have experienced unexpected hardships. It can be a lifeline for people who need immediate help to avoid eviction or utility shutoff.

financial assistance

Who Qualifies for, the nature of the emergency, and the applicant's ability to pay future bills. The program aims to help those who can demonstrate a temporary need.

Applicants must show that they will be able to manage their expenses after receiving the assistance. This ensures that the help provided is a bridge to stability, rather than a temporary fix.

How to Apply

Applying for the 'One Shot Deal' involves several steps. First, you need to gather necessary documents, such as proof of income, identification, and documentation of the emergency. This could include a utility shutoff notice or an eviction notice.

Next, you submit an application through the Human Resources Administration (HRA) website or at a local HRA office. The application process can take some time, so it's important to apply as soon as you realize you need help.

application process

What Assistance is Available' can cover a variety of expenses. This includes rent arrears, utility bills, and moving expenses. In some cases, it can also cover essential household items or repairs.

Each case is reviewed individually. The amount and type of assistance depend on the specific situation and the documentation provided.

Repayment and Other Conditions

Some 'One Shot Deal' assistance may need to be repaid. This is usually the case for rent arrears. The HRA will discuss repayment terms with you during the application process.

In other cases, repayment may not be required. This depends on the nature of the emergency and the applicant's financial situation.

repayment plan

Additional Resources

If you need help with the application process, several community organizations can assist. They can help you gather documents, fill out forms, and understand the eligibility requirements.

It's also a good idea to contact the HRA directly if you have any questions. They can provide guidance and ensure you have all the information you need.

NYC's 'One Shot Deal' is a valuable resource for residents facing financial emergencies. By understanding the program and how to apply, you can take the first step toward getting the help you need.